
Stay Home, Stay Safe

Photo by Aakash Chandran

“Stay home, stay safe!” you say.
But he is stuck in another city
Miles away from home
Sweating in the sun
Crying in the rain
With no help in sight
Not knowing if his family is alright…
Do you know who he is?

“Stay home, stay safe!” you say.
But she has never known
What it is to have a safe home
As the devil breathes next to her all day,
She cups her hands over her mouth stifling the sobs
With no hope in sight
Not knowing if it will ever be alright…
Do you know who she is?

Stay home, stay safe!” you say.
But they have to feed the kids
And keep their hearth warm
Run the life’s race
With cold bare feet
in their torn old clothes
With no finish line in sight
Not knowing if tomorrow will be alright…
Do you know who they are?

Stay home” to stay safe
is a bubble of safety
Only for your privileged society.
While the other side of the coin
Sees only inverted words
Reflecting a crippled world
All gibberish, all upturned.

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