
RoTalks E02: Police Brutality

RoTalks is an initiative by the Rotaract club of NITK where we, as Rotaractors, aim to spread awareness and try to gain insight into the lives of people. RoTalks was created to provide a platform for people to voice their opinions on social issues that aren’t discussed enough. As part of each monthly Rotalks editions, we contact professionals, activists or individuals who are more educated concerning the topic in hand.

In our first edition, for the Pride month, we asked members of the LGBTQIA+ community to provide a glimpse into their lives, struggles, and victories. Through our latest edition, we would like to shed light on the issue of Police brutality, for which a Criminal Lawyer, and a fellow Rotaractor, was contacted.

From the unlawful killing of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd to the wrongful deaths of Jayaraj and Bennix, the instances of police officers abusing power is on the rise. The series of protests and riots following these incidents signify just how serious of an issue this is. And that is why we, at Rotaract NITK, want to dedicate this edition of Rotalks to publicize the crimes of the members of the police department against society.

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