
In House with the Newly Crowned Cons – Part 10

“Individual commitment to a group effort–that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”
-Vince Lombardi.

Coming down the last few editions of the ‘In House’ series, for this issue, we have with us Veerabadra Navodaya (ASCE Con) and Pavan (NITK Films club con) where as usual we try to talk about the future plan of action of these clubs in the impending semester. 

Veerabadra Navodaya -⁩ ASCE Con

– How is the situation different this semester from last year in the functioning of the club? 

This year’s situation is completely different as compared to last year. The main thing to be concerned about is missing live interactions with juniors. As everything is going digital, many challenges are arising for every event. People are not as enthusiastic as earlier. It is also getting difficult for convenors to reach professors, other club convenors and student members to work mutually. It has also disturbed the traditional recruitment process, its criteria and transparency. 

There is confusion with making the estimated budget as we are not sure of college opening next semester. Being a club exclusively for civil engineers, we mainly have a problem with event planning, as all the events we had were practical and experimental type. 

We are worried about the “Engineer festival”, which was a great platform for our various events activities. And we are also missing the engineer’s day celebration, where we used to have various model making competitions. We are facing a great loss, but still, we are trying our best to take these problems as opportunities, and use various digital platforms to bring new enthusiasm into the club.

– How is the team collaborating now?

Collaboration is very frequent (two to three times a week) and various discussions are going with core members and executive members of the club to bring necessary changes and encourage new emerging ideas from all club members and adopt them efficiently. Though we missed live physical interactions, we are still trying to maintain the same harmony among club members using online platforms.

– What events are in the pipeline?

Most of the upcoming events are online. We are making necessary arrangements to teach AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds Max and Matlab software to juniors which would highly help them in the higher semesters and a professional career. Plans are underway to organise special guest lectures and seminars among club members.

If COVID crisis gets down by next calendar year, college opens and if all the restrictions are lifted, we have plans for site visits for practical knowledge gain.

– As a con, things that you would like to change in the club…

This year I want to remove a few of the barriers among club members to establish a friendly environment. We want to invite everyone’s ideas and thoughts for organising any events. We want to collaborate with the various clubs of NITK and ASCE student chapters of other colleges for mutual exchange. I want to arrange site visits for a practical gain of knowledge and software learnings as well.

Pavan – NITK Films club Con

– How is the situation different this semester from last year in the functioning of the club?

Films Club, being what it is, is largely based on physical attendance of the NITK ‘janta’ to the movie screenings at the SAC/SJA. The movie screenings were a good way to kick back after a tiring Friday. The raging pandemic certainly doesn’t help our case, but we try to maintain our social presence.

– How is the team collaborating now?

As usual, the default modes of collaboration is through WhatsApp and/or Telegram (for its file-sharing functionalities). We also hold meetings on GMeet when necessary, to discuss ideas with the whole club. 

– What events are in the pipeline?

We plan on getting back on track with the weekly movie screenings, once the college reopens.

Since we missed out on the chance to host the sixth Films Fest, we plan on conducting it in the next semester, if the restrictions are lifted. 

We have an idea in the works, to emulate other film festivals by conducting it online, in case the restrictions aren’t lifted. We are in talks with the Indus Valley International Film Festival discussing the logistics of conducting a full festival online.

We also have planned to screen multiple movies over the weekend, so that everyone has something to do other than sitting in their rooms. I remain optimistic about the current situation and hope that everything goes well.

– As a convenor, what are some things that you would like to change in the club?

As always, having a better following on social media certainly helps. We have our members working on it. We planned on conducting more filmmaking workshops in our college, round the year so that any aspiring filmmakers among the students get an opportunity to flex their creative muscles.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nitkfilmfestival?r=nametag
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NITKFilmFestival/

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