
TheraView: Tune In To Therapy!


On a rather eventful day that threatened to challenge the dullness of this quarantine, four of my friends happened to call me at various times in the day to share their stress with me. For the most part, I am a good listener and help my friends surmount what they are facing. This particular day however, was a thing of its own. While I was motivated to solve their problems, I felt that the input of a professional would help better than answers from my 21 something years of experience and no psychology knowledge. What if we could hear a counsellor answer the questions that pop up in our heads, without having to book an appointment, or even pay?? And all this from the comfort of our homes?!

A few hours of elementary graphic design and some “OMG tell me what you think of my idea” phone calls later, TheraView was born.

How stuff works  (TheraView Edition) 

There is a response collecting form open 24×7, linked in the description of all our episodes on Youtube. Anybody can send in any questions *ANONYMOUSLY*, no identity is collected through the responses. Questions so far have ranged from relationship troubles, parenting problems, de-addiction and withdrawal, to anxiety, lack of motivation, sleep schedules and productivity issues. 

Every episode sees a new counsellor as a guest, and questions are chosen depending on their fields of specialization. About 3-5 questions are addressed every episode. The interview is then shot, edited and posted, as we hope it reaches not just the people who asked the specific questions, but everybody who had them hidden deep down in their heads!     

We started out on Instagram, with a new episode release on IGTV every Thursday, with each episode consisting of 3-5 questions. The episodes were warmly received with one of them crossing more than a thousand views! 

It has now been 4 weeks since we launched Theraview and a week since our new Youtube launch. I am overwhelmed by the support everyone has shown TheraView, and it was immensely motivating to see the google form responses flowing everytime I opened the link.

Theraview is a small step towards building a healthy mind and a happy heart. We would love it if you supported us by subscribing to our channel, and kept the questions coming!

Let’s all #TuneInToTherapy! 

Just in case you don’t follow us yet, Click on these links right away! 

Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY8eifXgH_Psk0_LFpIFa9Q 
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thera.view?igshid=17aq2xmx54gwh

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