
E-Cell NITK Podcast

E-Cell NITK is back with its official podcast – The Building Blocks of Business, leveling its way up by each season. With the theme being LinkedIn Top Voices, the team also brought in video podcasts for the very first time.

The Building Blocks of Business | E-Cell NITK Podcast | Vanshika Goenka | S3E1 Raise Your Power, the Vanshika Way – a podcast with Vanshika Goenka

In the first episode, they spoke to Vanshika Goenka, a Brown University alumnus. As the CEO and Founder of KoolKanya, she is building a community of self-reliant women by empowering them to grow professionally. She was also nominated as one of India’s LinkedIn Top Voices for 2020.

Outlining the key moments, Vanshika shares her journey of building KoolKanya – from understanding the impact of a skewed gender ratio at the workplace through extensive research, creating content to building a women-centric community and what lies ahead.

“What decides pivots is data, data, data – you have to make data-driven decisions…”, added Vanshika, explaining the importance of pivoting in a startup – The when, why and how.

The podcast also explores her journey as an Ivy League student and what set the experience apart. Nothing less than a queen of content, she also shared her secrets of being nominated as one of India’s Linkedin Top Voices and building a community of 130K+ followers on Instagram that is constantly becoming bigger.

“That’s what you see in resumes – women will only apply to jobs if they meet 100/100 of the criteria”, mentioned Vanshika, describing a common trait stopping women’s professional growth and the biases they inflict upon themselves.

The Building Blocks of Business | E-Cell NITK Podcast | Jaison Thomas | S3E2 The Digital Marketing Guru- Jaison Thomas

In the second episode, they spoke to Jaison Thomas, who’s a current IIM-C student. As one of the co-founders of Blusteak Media, he is reimagining the current digital market in India. He was also nominated as one of LinkedIn’s Top Voice for 2021.

Jaison shares his journey about his startup, which he found along with his brother. They started out with a former client of their “Dude” app and then grew the startup together with people adding on along the way. 

He describes his journey through his engineering college, where he talks about balancing work and studies, and then about how essential completing your education is.

He then illustrates his journey during COVID times where they managed to do well for themselves despite major setbacks, and talks about how to conquer the lower points of a startup.

Binding it all together, there is a fun round of rapid fire questions, followed by some amazing recommendations not limited to digital marketing, but some other trivial stuff too, following which he gives some amazing advice for us all.

Insert content for Ep 3 here @Kushagra

The Building Blocks of Business | E-Cell NITK Podcast | Hansi Mehrotra| S3E3

In the third episode, they spoke to Hansi Mehrotra, a Wharton school alumnus. She is the founder of The Money Hans, where she is building a platform that teaches investing in a fun and simple manner. She was also nominated as one of India’s LinkedIn Top Voices for 2018 and 2020.

She believes that finance can be a force for good, so she is using her investment consulting background to create independent content (education, research, blogs, videos, podcasts) on investments, personal finance, and private wealth management.

Hansi shares her journey of becoming a founder from an investment adviser. The challenges she faces and the best lessons she has learned from them.

Her views on entrepreneurship and the challenges a single founder company faces impart a lot of value to listeners 

Finally some chill rapid fire questions to sum up this amazing podcast full of value, value and just value!

Head on to https://ecell.nitk.ac.in/podcasts to gain deeper insights into the above topics and stay tuned till the end for some fun rapid fire questions!
Also available on Youtube and Spotify!

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