
MTech League : Finding Relief in Football

“Life is nothing without friends.”

Keeping this quote in mind, the 2nd year MTech Mallus hosted a series of informal events to keep spirits lively during this covid season. As there was no official engagement by the college authorities, they formed a committee to play sports, particularly badminton, football, and cricket.

An excerpt from an interview conducted on 6th April 2021 with Rohith Prakash, a core member of the organising committee :

1.”How did this idea come up?”

2.” I heard that the 1st leg of the event was quite a success! How did you organise this event?”

3.” So how teams and events came under it?”

4.”That brings us to the end of our interview. So one last question, who all can participate in your event?”

AlPowliz and Choodolis shared the overall championship in this league.

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