Over 2400 Applicants
Extravagant prizes and goodies
Big company sponsors worth 1 crore

HackVerse 2.0 Pre Recruitment Talk

HackVerse had made a huge splash as the biggest college hackathon and the biggest student-organized Hackathon in India in its first edition a year ago…

Now, we are up and ready to do it again this year with HackVerse 2.0!

And to start off, we are recruiting!

Our Teams include:

  1. Content Team
  2. Marketing Team
  3. Media Team
  4. Operations Team
  5. Student Relations Team
  6. Tech Team

Interested in applying? We are open for all years.

Join our Pre-recruitment talk live on YouTube to find out more about how you can be a part of this great opportunity.

Time: 6:00 PM, 28th September
Livestream Link: http://bit.ly/hackverse-prerec

Our teams work tirelessly and gain a lot of experience on the way! Being a part of any of these teams increases exposure and is an insight into the real world.

Check out our website: https://hackverse.nitk.ac.in/