Check out our first post in this brand new series that aims to throw light on issues faced by women in tech and in the workplace, featuring inspiring personalities giving their take on it.

Brief Info: ACM NITK is a student chapter of the world largest educational and scientific computing society, the Association for Computing Machinery. At ACM NITK, we have five special interest groups - Sanganitra (specializes in fields including but not limited to Computer Vision, Software Development, Machine Learning and Big Data), Vidyut (specializes in fields including but not limited to Robotics, Power Electronics, Signal Processing and Machine Learning), Yantrika (specializes in fields including but not limited to Aerospace Engineering, Robotics, Automobile Engineering, Bio-Chemical Engineering, Structures and Materials), Kaaryavarta (specializes in fields including but not limited to Business, Finance, Economics and Marketing) and Saahitya (specializes in fields including but not limited to Literature, Philosophy and History). ACM NITK plans and organizes a wide range of events that include technical workshops, guest lectures, online events and various other competitions at NITK, throughout the year. ACM NITK also works on various projects to encourage learning and contribution to society.