IET NITK is proud to function as one of the exclusive technical clubs on the campus. We have conducted a series of workshops, online competitions, knowledge exchange programs and have built-in some exciting tech projects. One of our treasured events is the PATW (Present Around the World). IET Present Around the World (PATW) is a global contest for young professionals, graduates, apprentices, and students within engineering to develop and showcase their presentation skills, enhance their knowledge and make invaluable connections. PATW is one of a kind competition since the judging criteria lay more emphasis on presentation skills than the technical content. The competition has four notable rounds, the university round (which IET NITK proudly hosts on campus), the Bangalore local network round, the South Asian round, and, ultimately, the global finals in London. As you progress through each round, you get to meet some of the most exceptional orators globally and present your skills to them. And here is the best deal: you don’t have to be a part of IET to participate! All you need is your technical knowledge supplemented by your vocabulary and bonded with confidence!

The university rounds (Round 1) in India are taken only in a few selected universities. Prominent IET OnCampus chapters of these colleges organize this event and select participants from a given set of regions. For instance, participants falling under the state of Karnataka other than Bangalore region must qualify at the university round in NITK. Over the past few years, the campus round here at NITK boasted considerable participation, most notably from the Manipal-Mangalore region. A number of them have even made it to top stages. This academic year saw a whopping 100+ registrations within our college and around 50 odd registrations from numerous other colleges!
“The preparations for PATW had not only helped me to improve my presentation skills, but it had also taught me how to effectively research on a particular topic, make my presentation more professional and time management, “ says the PATW ‘20 Bangalore round Winner, Madhu Jayaprakash Nayak, Final Year Mechanical Engineering student at NITK. Pavan Shetty, a student of the Canara College of Engineering, Mangalore, was the runner up for the Bangalore round. He quoted, “IET PATW gave me the knowledge and experience which are definitely useful in my life removing all the stage fear that I had before entering PATW. It is and will be a very good platform for everyone who wants to present themselves to the world with their skills. It was undoubtedly the best experience I ever had in my life.”

To give you a brief description of this process,
- Competitors are required to deliver a presentation for 10 minutes on a theme related to engineering and technology, followed by a Q & A session for an additional five minutes. Judges (2-3 members) will assess the presentations then decide on the qualifiers.
- The event is mainly to assess presentation skills, although the topic should be appropriate to the intended audience consisting of students and young professionals.
- Contestants should provide a brief synopsis of their presentation (100 – 200 words). It will be used as an event material, presented to the judges, and submitted as part of the entry to later stages of the competition.
- A member from the IET-NITK Committee will chair the event. During each presentation, the chair will indicate the time after eight minutes and, subsequently, after ten minutes have elapsed. The speakers are notified to finish their talk as quickly as possible. If necessary, the chair will interrupt the speaker and ask them to stop immediately.
- A participation feedback form is given to all the participants after the declaration of qualifiers.
Judging criteria takes into account some of the following factors:
– Physical Presence (Balanced Posture + Confidence Level)
– Voice (Clarity + Volume + Pauses + Variations)
– Slides Deck (Content Balance + Text Balance + Appropriateness + Effectiveness)
– Time Management (Appropriate Time Allocation + 10-minutes limit)
– Audience Impact (Q&As + Interest Generated)
– Technical Topic (Originality + Knowledge Depth + Preparation + Enthusiasm)
– Technical Content (Audience Suitability + Logical Structure + Effectiveness of Introduction/Conclusion)
– Overall (Worthwhile + Objectives Delivered + Impression)
Screening Rounds:
In the event of a high volume in registrations, which was evident this year, IET-NITK conducts a series of screening rounds. This initial screening ensures efficient filtering from a large pool of participants to a number that will not exceed 20. A primary reason to undertake this method is that the actual PATW university round must conform to the limited event duration of 1-2 days (availability of judges).

Every successful presentation is built on Four Pillars People, Idea, Passion, and Preparation, and PATW is the foundation for these pillars to support every student’s passion and provide a platform to build their career! So, what are you waiting for? Join us for the next PATW and take this opportunity to unleash your inner speaker!
The IET-NITK Student Chapter is actively involved in inculcating a passion for innovation and appreciation temperament in the minds of those who have potential to change the future. It conducts workshops and seminars throughout the academic calendar striving to impact relevant skills to the students. Apart from this, IET strives to invite eminent personalities to conduct lectures for the benefit of the club members and keeping doors opened for others interested. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that despite being a technical club, it gives an opportunity to enhance one's managerial skills. It aims to sharpen skills of all students irrespective of which council branch they belong to.